Yves Guillemot, VD på Ubisoft, säger att företaget inte kommer göra fler Wii U-exklusiva spel förrän Nintendo säljer fler konsoler. Han tror dock att det är möjligt tack vare starka Nintendo-titlar, men just nu är det konverteringar som gäller.
Så varför satsade Ubisoft på Wii U?
We have to adapt the company to the potential of the market. So, what we did last year, was we knew we could learn second-screen with Nintendo, so we went full-speed to use this capacity the console was bringing. And we were able to develop Rayman, which will come at the end of this year and which is fantastic, using this second screen. What we saw is that, in learning that, we can also use it with the other consoles with [Xbox] Smart Glass, for example, and it’s a good option that is coming to us. If you look at us this year on Wii U we will have a lot of products.
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